Article I – Title
The Association shall be known as the Tennessee Veterinary Technicians Association, hereafter referred to as the Association.
Article II – Purpose/Objective
The purposes or objectives of the Association are as follows:
To promote the science and art of Veterinary Technology.
To procure the enactment of just and appropriate laws and regulations governing the licensing and practicing of Veterinary Technicians.
To promote the professional and educational advancement of Veterinary Technicians through continuing education programs and seminars.
To promote progressive and humane medical care for all creatures.
To maintain a cooperative professional relationship with the Tennessee Veterinary Medical Association, the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, schools of Veterinary Technology, the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America, the American Veterinary Medical Association and other allied groups.
Dedication of Assets to Exempt Purposes.
The corporation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501©3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or corresponding sections of any future federal tax code. Notwithstanding any other provision of the articles, this corporation shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 of corresponding sections of any future federal tax code.
Article I – Membership
Section 1. Membership Categories:
Active Membership: Active members in the Association shall be those persons who have graduated from an AVMA accredited Veterinary Technology program or were “grandfathered” in before 1982. Active members shall be currently credentialed with a state licensing board. Active members shall have voting privileges.
Associate Members: This includes anyone working in the field of Veterinary Medicine interested in supporting and promoting the Association. Associate members are welcome to serve on committees but shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Student Membership: Student membership shall be open to any student currently enrolled in an AVMA accredited Veterinary Technology program. Membership transfers to active status upon licensure by a state credentialing board. Student members are welcome to serve on committees but shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.
Section 2. Membership Dues: Membership to the above categories may be obtained after formal application and payment of dues are mailed to the Association for approval. Annual dues shall be established by the Executive Board. All dues are due on or before January 1st of each calendar year. If dues are not paid by January 31st of each calendar year or by such other date as may be established by the Executive Board, this constitutes a delinquent member who shall be automatically terminated from membership in the Association.
Section 3. Revocation of Membership: If in the opinion of the Executive Board, a member of the Association (either active, associate or student) is believed to have participated in activities which grossly misrepresent or undermine the profession and/or the Association, said member shall be notified in writing of this belief and will be awarded the opportunity to voice his/her views or rebuttal in the physical presence of the Executive Board. This opportunity shall be given by the Executive Board within 60 – 75 days following notification. After such meeting, a written (can include e-mail) poll will be taken of the Executive Board regarding whether to revoke the membership of the individual in question. A majority vote of those present is necessary to initiate revocation of membership. If no response is received within four weeks, the member in question shall have forfeited all rights to rebuttal and forfeiting of membership shall be assumed to be the decision of that member.
Article II – Officers
Section 1. Elected Officers:
Elected Officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. These elected officers shall comprise the Executive Board. No officer may serve more than two consecutive terms of office.
Each elected office shall consist of two years of service.
More than one office may be held by any one person except for the President who may not hold the office of President and Treasurer at the same time.
Section 2. Appointed/Volunteer Officers: these positions serve succeeding terms of office and are subject to annual approval by the Executive Board of the Association. Appointed officers shall consist of the NAVTA Representative and the Webmaster.
Section 3. The above stated elected and appointed officers shall comprise the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Removal of Officers: If in the opinion of other members of the Board of Directors, an officer is believed to be unable to continue in an office due to poor health, nonattendance and/or mal-performance of duties said officer shall be notified by the Board of Directors in writing of this belief and invited to resign or offer a rebuttal. A rebuttal will result in a special meeting of the Board of Directors to resolve the issue. Response to such action should be limited to no more that four weeks. If no response is received within four weeks, the officer in question shall have forfeited all rights to rebuttal and resignation shall be assumed to be the decision of that office.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
The President shall:
…prepare an agenda and preside at all meetings of the Association.
…supervise and direct the affairs of the Association.
…act as spokesperson for the Association.
…have the power to create committees and make appointments that he/she deems necessary to aide him/her in the fulfillment of his/her duties, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
…have the power to break any tie of the Board of Directors vote.
…sign checks in the absence of the treasurer.
…approve all expenditures, newsletter material and all other activities dealing with the Association, contingent upon approval by the Board of Directors.
…deliver a quarterly address to the membership on the State of the Association, to be reported in the Association newsletter.
…appoint a formal liaison to other veterinary medical organizations within the state of Tennessee.
…prepare and submit an annual report to the General Membership at the end of his/her term to be delivered at the annual business meeting.
…turn over all Association records to his/her duly elected successor within 30 days of the completion of his/her term of office.
The Vice President shall:
…perform the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence or disability.
…serve as Editor-in-Chief of the Association newsletter.
…be required to present a written report of his/her activities at each Board of Directors meeting.
The Secretary shall:
…record minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, annual general membership meetings and ensure that all officers present at such meetings receive a copy of the minutes within two weeks following the meeting.
…be responsible for official correspondence of the Association.
…maintain the membership files.
The Treasurer shall:
…maintain the Association bank account.
…sign checks for the Association.
…collect and record dues.
…prepare an annual financial statement for distribution to members.
…prepare a functional budget by February 1 of each year for the upcoming fiscal year.
…be required to present a written report of his/her activities at each. Board of Directors meeting.
The Immediate Past President shall:
…serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors and Association membership.
The NAVTA Representative shall:
…become an active member of NAVTA within one month of assuming the position of state representative and show written proof of membership.
…be the liaison between the Association and NAVTA.
…ensure that the NAVTA logo is on the TVTA web page and in the Association newsletter.
…request newsletter exchange with other associations.
…work closely with the Executive Board concerning National Veterinary Technician Week and other publicity matters.
Annually provide NAVTA with current association contact information.
Submit quarterly reports (deadlines to be determined by NAVTA) to TNJ summarizing state activities within the past three months.
The Webmaster shall:
…keep the web page current with contact information of officers, job postings and links to allied associations.
…present a yearly cost analysis of the web page to the Executive Board and keep the board informed of any updates to the site that need to take place.
Section 6. Election of Officers
Eligibility: Candidates for office must have been an active member in the Association for a minimum of one year immediately prior to the year of desired service, and will be required to have a current license, in good standing, as a Veterinary Medical Technician in Tennessee.
Nominations and Election: The President will appoint a Nominating/Election Committee. The Committee will be temporary and no persons will be allowed to serve a consecutive term on the Committee. Nominations for officers may be submitted by active members to the Nominating/Elections Committee or by individual members. The Nominating/Election committee will secure the written acceptance of all nominees before preparing the nomination ballot. Members will be given an option to vote via ballots by e-mail or by first class mail. For the transaction of business by mail, officers will be determined by a simple majority of the ballots received.. The cut off date for voting will be determined by the Nominating/Election Committee. Run-offs will be held in the case of a tie and voting members will be mailed a second ballot for said circumstance.
Section 7. Terms of Office for Elected Officers
Terms of office shall begin January 1 of each year following an election.
The offices of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are two year terms and shall take place in even numbered years. The office of President is a two year term with automatic succession to the office of Past President for two years. The election of President will take place in odd numbered years.
Section 8. Resignation Procedures
If any officer of the Board of Directors (elected or appointed/volunteer) wishes to resign his/her position, all remaining members of the Board must be notified in writing of the effective date of resignation. Resigning officers should present the Board with a minimum of (30) days notice.
Section 9. Vacancy Procedures
In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Executive Board shall share the duties of the vacant office and/or appoint a new officer to complete the term of office vacated. The president will not be allowed to serve as treasurer in the absence of the treasurer.
Section 10. Voting
Members will be given an option to vote on various issues via ballots by e-mail and/or first class mail. For the transaction of business, a simple majority of the votes cast by members in good standing cast shall constitute a quorum.
A simple majority of the votes cast by members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the consideration of business at an annual membership meeting.
Each member of the Board of Directors, except the president, shall have one vote. The president will vote only to break a tie. A simple majority of the voting Board members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 11. Nondiscrimination policy.
The corporation shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender and gender identification, national origin, religion, disability, age, or any other basis prohibited by law. This policy on nondiscrimination applies to the election of board and committee members, provision of services to the public, contracting for and purchasing of services, and all other activities of the ETEC. This policy of nondiscrimination includes, but is not limited to, a commitment to full compliance with the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and any subsequent amendments to these statutes.
Article III – Association Meetings
Section 1. Annual Membership Meeting
The Association shall hold an annual membership business meeting as such time and place as determined by the Executive Board. The membership shall be presented with an agenda and the meeting minutes will be published in the Association newsletter.
Section 2. Executive Board and Board of Directors Meetings
Will be held at the discretion of the president. The president will make a request for items to be placed on the agenda.
The agenda will be mailed to all board members prior to the meeting date.
Directors and members of any committee shall be entitled to reimbursement for any reasonable expenses incurred in attending such meetings in accordance to IRS guidelines.
Section 3. Orientation Meeting
An Orientation meeting shall be held between the officers elect and the immediate past officers to discuss and review the transition of office. This meeting will take place within two weeks prior to or within two weeks after the annual business meeting.
Article IV – Amendments to Change Constitution or By Laws
Section 1. Presentation
Amendments may be proposed by written petition signed by 5 active members of the Association.
A proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Board at least 90 days before a vote on the matter.
Copies of the amendment proposals shall be distributed at least 30 days prior to a vote via electronic voting and/or first class mail.
Section 2. Passage
The Constitution and By Laws may be amended by first class mail ballot and/or by e-mail ballot. Passage must be by a majority of the returned first class mail and/or e-mail ballots cast.
Section 3. Adoption
Approved amendments will formally go into effect one month past the voting deadline unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.
This constitution and bylaws were approved by unanimous membership vote on
February 13, 2016.
Ginny Nystrom, LVTM, VTS (Anesthesia/Analgesia)
TVTA President 2016-2018
Angie Moore, LVMT
TVTA Secretary 2016-2018