Want to be a more active member of the TVTA and not sure how to get involved? Check out our committees! If you're interested in becoming a part of any one or more, please email us!
- Develop promos for the public (local newspaper ads…) - Social media site updates - Work with district reps to find local animal related fundraisers/events that we can become a part of/sponsor
- Review and approve new applications for membership - Keep updated lists of all TVTA members as well as all licensed technicians in the state and distribute to board members/district reps prn - Send out membership goods (pin, member cards etc.)
- Handle election and nominations for board members - Handle submissions for Tech of the Year - Handle inquires on possible committee membership
- Help coordinate Fall and Memphis CE - Gather Silent auction goods - All district reps shall be members of this committee
- Develop budget - Produce end-of-year statements - Purchase give-a-ways (pens, highlighters…) - Coordinate fund raising activities (if any) - Prepare and submit any and all tax forms
- Liaison to tech schools/student groups - Contact schools about scholarships - Update all members on NAVTA news via email - TVMA rep and District Representatives shall be a member of this committee
The president will act on all committees as deemed necessary and serve as a liaison between committees as needed/necessary.